鑑於新冠疫情最近之發展速度,傳播更趨嚴重,弟兄姊妹極有可能因為有健康及高感染風險之顧慮,而不便來到教會聚會。同工會理解大家各人面對不同的情況,為保障個人和教會群體的安全,教會COVID小組現有如下建議 :
- 確實感染或懷疑可能受到感染者,和密切接觸確診者, 應留在家中以進行隔離及療養,期間可使用網上直播參與崇拜或其他聚會。(請跟隨政府Covid-19測試和隔離指引)
- 弟兄姊妹如懷疑可能受感染或個人或家人証實被感染者,應儘快通知牧者或長老,以便能掌握情況,關心代禱,及安排補替事奉人手。
- 年長或身體有長期病患的弟兄姊妹,或未完成接種疫苗的,教會建議使用網上直播參與崇拜。保護自己不受感染是個人責任,教會亦鼓勵弟兄姊妹接種加強疫苗。
- 每主日的事奉人員, 有他們在,我們就能順利舉行崇拜,進行直播,讓弟兄姊妹能一同崇拜。如疫情高踞不下,或政府決定採取限聚令,星期日除了崇拜事奉人員外, 同工會鼓勵其他弟兄姊妹儘量留在家中,透過直播參與聚會,保持一同崇拜。
- 主日返教會的弟兄姊妹及所有事奉人員,務必全程戴上口罩,保持社交距離,儘量避免在教會內交談,以策安全。崇拜完畢後請儘快離開會場。
- 家長自行 決定讓子女參加主日學。如有家長帶同小孩回教會,請自行安排照料。詳情請與主日學聯絡。教會鼓勵子女接種疫苗。
- 其他 : 所有詩班活動暫停。新年表演只以視頻形式進行。
Important Notice relating to Covid-19 development from CCCB Southside Church
Owing to the rapid transmission of Covid lately which many members expressed concerns, the COVID Team has decided to make changes to how services and Sunday School will operate to safeguard your health and that of our church community.
Church services will continue to run, however the COVID Team has the following requests:
- If you have a confirmed or suspected Covid infection or a Close Contact with someone who is a known infected person, please do not attend church in person. Instead, we invite you to attend church online until you have completed your isolation and have fully recovered. (Please follow the current COVID-19 Test & Isolate National Protocol.)
- Please notify the church promptly by contacting either the Pastor or one of the Elders in confidence. This is so we can follow up accordingly, e.g., notifying possible close contacts. This also allows us to support you through prayer and care, and organise alternative arrangements to carry out your duties (if needed).
- If you are a vulnerable person in terms of age and heath, or you have not been fully vaccinated, we recommend that you attend church online. Protecting yourself against Covid-19 is your own responsibility. We strongly recommend that you receive the boaster shot if available.
- The church will continue to provide worship service provided we can gather the ministry team. If the Covid situation lingers or personal movement is restricted under government instruction, the COVID team encourages you to stay home and participate in online church worship instead. In this way, we continue to worship God as one.
- Please wear a mask at all times and make efforts to maintain social distancing and minimize socializing indoors if you are attending the church in person. Please exit the church premises immediately after the end of service.
- If you are bringing children to church, it will be up to the parents to decide if their children will attend Children’s Sunday School. Please consult the Sunday School coordinator for more information. If your children are not attending, please ensure you are able to look after them yourself or organise for them to be looked after. We recommend that children receive their Covid vaccination as soon as it becomes available.
- Choir practices and performance are suspended. Chinese NY performance will be pre-recorded and there will be no on-premise performance.
If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact our pastors or the COVID Team.